Whale shark in El Nido
It couldn’t be a greater day underwater, and here we have the video! Yesterday while doing the last skills of the PADI Divemaster course of Eli and Xevi, we went to do a deep dive in Popolcan area, the fantastic Bacuit Bay in El Nido, Palawan.
While diving at 26 meters going from rock to rock, in a moment of low visibility, we saw some white spots thinking they were small fishes… but what was our big surprise when we got closer to realize that it was a beautiful and magnificent whale shark of about 7 meters long, swimming gently surrounded by remora, trevally, jackfish and more.
We were lucky to dive with him for around 7 minutes until it went into the depths and disappeared from our eyes as the same way it appeared.
It was the shortest dive we ever made and the best present we could have had to finish and congratulate the PADI Divemaster trainees for their training and hard job done with Aquanaut team.
Lots of gratitude to life and its surprises, a whale shark in El Nido, and more than thanks to Eli and Xevi for the footage and specially to finish very successfully the PADI Divemaster course. We couldn’t be more happy.